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More subtle Volcanic Ash, The Dangers

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 23 Juli 2011 | 06.51

Volcanic ash from the eruption of Mount Merapi, which showered the area of ​​Yogyakarta and surrounding areas increasingly thickened. This is obviously a serious threat to residents who live there.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), exposure to volcanic ash is very dangerous to people who mengirupnya. The most common threat is respiratory distress.

Based on the WHO exposure during the eruption of Mount Eyjafjallajökull in Iceland ago, volcanic ash is generally composed of fine particles of rock fragments, minerals, and glass with strong character, rugged, corrosive and does not dissolve in water.

Ash particles are very small so easily blown by the wind thousands of miles. The most potentially damaging to the body is the smallest ash particles that reach less than 1 / 100 millimeter. This is dangerous because it easily penetrates the fabric mask and into the lungs.

A person with bronchitis, emphysema and asthma are advised to reduce outdoor activities due to exposure to volcanic ash can aggravate health problems.

WHO said the concentration of volcanic ash each volcano is different, depending on natural conditions such as air temperature and wind. "Our advice is to listen insruksi local health officials," said Dr Maria Neira, Director of the Department of Public Health and Environment WHO.

"If irritation or pain in the throat and lungs, runny, or itchy eyes, you should immediately go back home and restrict activities outside the room," Neira said.

In addition to harmful particles, volcanic ash also potentially contain sulfur dioxide gas in low levels. That's why when it starts to smell of sulfur, it is advisable immediately away from the region.
06.51 | 0 komentar | Read More

Health effects due to eruption of Merapi

Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia map out a number of health effects caused by the eruption of Mount Merapi. Ranging from burns to a number of diseases caused by exposure to volcanic ash.

As quoted from the official website of the Ministry of Health, Director General of Disease Control and Environmental Health (P2PL) Ministry of Health Prof. Dr. Tjandra Yoga Aditama, revealed five health impacts caused by the eruption of Mount Merapi.

1. Burns of varying degrees of severity.
2. Injuries and illnesses directly caused by stones, gravel, larvae and other eruptions of particles.
3. Exposure to volcanic ash that contains a number of harmful substances such as sulfur dioxide (SO2), Hydrogen Sulfide gas (H2S), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), as well as dust in the form of dust particles (Total Suspended Particulate or Particulate Matter).
4. Exacerbate the disease that had long suffered.
5. Traffic accidents caused by dusty or slippery road, crashed due to panic, as well as contaminated food.

Upper range of these impacts, the Ministry of Health issued a plea to the people affected by the eruption.

1. Adhere to the full limit who has established a secure location (eg,> 20 km from the summit of Mount Merapi).

2. People who are in a secure location outside the limits (> 20 km), as far as possible to limit outdoor activity to avoid excessive exposure to volcanic ash. Limit all unnecessary physical activity like sports in the rain of ash. Most importantly, use the mask at every opportunity until exposure to ash is lost.

3. When ill, immediately went to the nearest health facility

4. If you already have a history of chronic disease, immediately contact a doctor who used to handle or at least prepare the drugs commonly consumed routines

5. Keep your immune system, eating nutritious foods and clean, adequate rest, and be careful with traffic accidents (KLL).
06.48 | 0 komentar | Read More

His eyes water form of Blood

Maybe you've heard the term "crying blood" to show the extraordinary measures of sadness. But in the United States and India, there are two teenagers who truly bleeds from his eyes as tears.

Is Calvinno Inman, teenage boy 16 years from Tennessee, United States, this could be bleeding from his eyes three times a day. Inman blood cries could even take up to one hour.

Not only when sad, Inman often cry for no reason. Suddenly his eyes were watery and blood-red when rubbed. "But, I've gotten used to this disorder, although initially very sad," he said as quoted from the pages of the Daily Mail.

Dr. Rex Hamilton, a specialist in diseases of the eye or ophthalmology, said Inman haemolacria may suffer from a rare disease, which means: the cries of blood. "I can not say the cause, a definite possibility of this disease only occurs in one in a million people in the world," he said.

Twinkle Dwivedi experienced similar cases. Teenage girls 14 years is even capable of not only bleeding from the eyes 50 times a day, but also from the nose, hair, and skin without injury. Omission which tormented him since the last three years made him lose a lot of blood every day.

Dwivedi felt tormented by the mysterious disease. She was never harmed or hurt himself. But, always dripping blood from several parts of his body without control. "I do not want to be like this, I want to go back to school," said the woman who is now being treated at a hospital in Mumbai, India.

Dr. George Buchanan, a doctor or a hematology blood specialist, admitted it is difficult to diagnose the illness Dwivedi. "I've never seen a case like this, or hear it in the medical history," he said.
06.41 | 0 komentar | Read More

Boy Is Not Sleep Over Three Years

Rhett Lamb. This new five-year boy can sleep soundly when she was stepping three years. During the initial three years of his life, he maintained.

As quoted from the pages of ABC News, the couple's son Shannon and David Lamb is suffering from a rare disease that attacks the brain area. Medical world calls it: Chiari malformation.

It is a disorder in the bottom of the brain that lead to the position of the cerebellum down and out of the skull. This condition makes the brain that regulate emotions Rhett, respiratory, circulatory and sleep disturbed due to depressed skull back.

The diagnosis was made doctors decided to perform the surgical removal of part of the brain that suppresses bone Rhett. With only 50 percent guarantee of success, the operation was finally performed at the All Children's Hospital, St.. Petersburg in mid-2008.

The operation succeeded. Two days later, Rhett finally able to sleep soundly for the first time. "I really can not hold back the tears could see him sleeping soundly through the night, I can not believe I watched it all," Shannon said after his son's operation.

Not only restore the sleep cycle, the operation also makes the emotion Rhett stable. Previously, Rhett grew up as a temperamental child. "During three years of not sleeping, Rhett was always cranky, restless, moody, angry, unable to play and interact with others. In fact, not infrequently beat us. It's sad," he said.

The success of the operation is the fruit of the struggle Shannon and David since Rhett was a baby. The couple started listening to the disorder because Rhett has never closed his eyes to rest. In fact, babies are generally more sleep than awake.

Dozens of physicians who had visited the couple was previously unable to diagnose the disease properly. There are doctors who say Rhett has autism, but nobody can argue with that diagnosis. But, after going through various therapies and medical tests, Rhett disease was detected.
06.40 | 0 komentar | Read More

stop smoking for good

Deciding to quit smoking need to fight hard. Especially for those who have long been addicted.

If the partner has a heavy smoker, of course, that habit often makes you upset. As people near you, you can help him succeed 'turn off' the smoking habit for good.

Although in the end, the decision to quit smoking remain at his disposal, your support is an essential component to help him achieve the goal. One important thing to help couples achieve the goal to stop smoking is to provide continuous support to him.

Here are simple strategies that you can apply at home, quoted from the pages of Modern Mom.

Invite to join community stop smoking
Hearing the stories of others who had already been able to quit smoking, can help the he stopped too. Invite your partner to join in the community stop smoking. Hearing other people's success quitting smoking can make them do the same optimism.

Offering support
Ask her what kind of support she wants from you. Everyone who wants to quit smoking, it usually requires different support.

For example, there are who want you to always remind him not to smoke, while others might consider it as nagging. The couple may want to hear a sympathetic warning, distract him or give a gift when he managed to miss cigarettes. So, try to find the kind of support that really he needs to help quit smoking.

Smoking Activities
Plan an event that is free from cigarettes with a partner, such as cycling. Such activities can help him achieve his goal to stop smoking.

If the couple used to go to gatherings with friends who smoked constantly, try to plan to do different activities. Invite him to a new place that the temptation to smoke less.

Help him to change routines
A smoker must handle in a balanced way, physically and mentally, addicted to tobacco. There are certain moments in a day - like after a meal or while drinking coffee - he always found time to smoke cigarettes. You need to help solve this problem. For example, you could walk together after dinner so she was not interested in smoking.

Give praise
Say good if he managed to avoid and give him praise. Try to capture the small details. Plan some type of gift to give to him because you quit smoking. For example, he could use the money that would normally be spent to buy him cigarettes and spend it on a holiday weekend.
06.37 | 0 komentar | Read More
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